
AI in Warfare

The AI Battlefield: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Modern Warfare

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Share with your friendsArtificial intelligence (AI) is dramatically altering the landscape of modern warfare, ushering in a new era characterized by unprecedented speed, precision, and complexity. At Eurosatory 2024, AI’s transformative potential was a focal point of discussions among military

The AI Battlefield: How Artificial Intelligence is Revolutionizing Modern Warfare Read More »

FAMOUS2 project - led by Partria.

Fast and FAMOUS: Unique European Armoured Vehicle Concept Unveiled to Boost Troop Mobility and Performance

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Share with your friendsA new, unique multinational armoured vehicle concept was unveiled at Eurosatory 2024. Funded by the EU and nine member countries, the Patria-coordinated concept is planned to enter production by 2027. With war still raging in Ukraine, the

Fast and FAMOUS: Unique European Armoured Vehicle Concept Unveiled to Boost Troop Mobility and Performance Read More »

Rethinking the Battlefield: The Quiet Might of Passive Surveillance

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Share with your friendsIn modern warfare, the ability to gather critical intelligence while remaining hidden is crucial. New portable surveillance technologies are disruptive. Replacing static devices, they are deployable on the ground, in the air and on the water surface.

Rethinking the Battlefield: The Quiet Might of Passive Surveillance Read More »

Saab will supply the Kuwait Naval Force with its advanced Double Eagle Semi-Autonomous Remotely Operated Vehicle.

Saab Dives Into the Gulf

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Saab’s Stirling engine is quiet and vibration free. No vibrations spread out to the hull making the submarine silent in the water and therefore difficult to find. By heating and cooling the gas in a Stirling engine, the piston can move in a cylinder. The submarine can then use cold seawater for cooling and liquid oxygen and diesel to create the heating of the engine.

Saab Dives Into the Gulf Read More »